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The Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks

Did You Know Cybercriminals Develop 230,000 New Malware Samples Every Day?

As cybercriminals continue to develop and deploy malware at an unprecedented rate, the likelihood of your business being targeted grows significantly. With each year seeing a surge in the number of cyberattacks, it's crucial to stay informed about the threats facing your organization. Below, we explore some of the most common types of cyberattacks and real-life incidents that highlight the devastating impact these attacks can have on businesses.

hand typing into keyboard of laptop with hacking alert on screen

Common Types of Cyberattacks

According to the NSA, there are over 300 million hacking attempts every day. These attempts often involve sophisticated techniques, including the following common cyberattack methods:

DDoS Attacks

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is designed to overwhelm online services, making them temporarily inaccessible. Cybercriminals coordinate these attacks by utilizing compromised devices worldwide, causing severe service disruptions. DDoS differs from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which target a single device rather than multiple systems across the globe.

Types of DDoS Attacks:

  • Protocol Attacks: These attacks target server resources, such as firewalls, by flooding them with data, measured in packets per second (PPS). Common types include fragmented packet attacks, SYN floods, and the infamous "ping of death."

  • Volume-Based Attacks: These penetrate the bandwidth of a targeted site, measured in bits per second (BBS), and typically include ICMP floods and UDP floods.

  • Application Layer Attacks: Targeting web servers, these attacks use seemingly legitimate requests to crash systems and steal information. Examples include GET/POST floods and low-and-slow attacks.

Man in the Browser (MITB) Attacks

A Man in the Browser (MITB) attack is a type of Man in the Middle (MITM) attack where cybercriminals insert themselves into the communication between two parties, often by compromising a web browser. This allows attackers to steal sensitive information or alter communication without detection.

Examples of malware used in MITB attacks include Zeus, Bugat, Spyeye, and Silon. According to a study by St. Cloud University, over 42% of people are unaware of these attacks, making awareness crucial to preventing them from occurring.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a deceptive attack method where cybercriminals send emails designed to appear legitimate, often masquerading as trusted contacts or businesses. These emails usually contain malicious links or attachments and aim to steal personal information or credentials.

Phishing attacks are particularly dangerous because of their high success rate. In fact, 95% of data breaches are linked to phishing emails, with 30% of recipients opening them and nearly 12% clicking on malicious content. With these statistics, it's clear that phishing remains a prominent and effective threat.

Recent Cyberattack Incidents

As cyberattacks increase by 27% each year, several high-profile attacks have caught the world’s attention, showing just how costly and disruptive these incidents can be.

The Acer Cyberattack

In 2021, Acer, one of the world's largest computer manufacturers, suffered a significant data breach when the cybercriminal group REvil hacked into their Microsoft Exchange server. The group demanded $50 million in ransom after stealing sensitive financial documents. This attack was a stark reminder of the vulnerability of even the most established companies.

JBS Foods Ransomware Attack

JBS Foods, a leading global meat processing company, was also targeted by the REvil group in 2021. After successfully breaching JBS’s systems, the company paid $11 million in Bitcoin to prevent further disruption. This incident remains one of the most expensive ransomware attacks to date.

NBA Data Breach

In mid-2021, the NBA was targeted by the hacker group Babuk, which claimed to have stolen 500 MB of confidential data concerning one of its teams. The group threatened to release the information unless a ransom was paid, although the outcome remains undisclosed. This breach demonstrates that even high-profile organizations are not immune to cybercrime.

How to Defend Against Cyberattacks

Understanding the threats your business faces is only the first step. To effectively protect your company, implementing the right cybersecurity measures is essential. Here at MapleTronics, we offer a wide range of cybersecurity services to defend against all types of attacks, including:

  • Email Security: Protect your business from phishing attacks and malicious emails with our advanced email filtering solutions.

  • Cybersecurity Training: Educate your employees on best practices to avoid falling victim to phishing and other social engineering tactics.

  • Data Backup and Recovery: Ensure your business is prepared in the event of a data breach with secure backup and recovery solutions.

  • Secure Wireless Systems: Maintain the integrity of your network with our secure wireless solutions, designed to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Vulnerability Assessments and Management: Identify weaknesses in your security infrastructure with our in-depth vulnerability assessments and ongoing management.

  • Managed Firewall Services: Safeguard your network with our expertly managed firewall services, designed to block unauthorized access and prevent potential breaches.

At MapleTronics, our cybersecurity experts are dedicated to stopping cyberattacks before they

cause harm. We also create customized recovery plans to help your business bounce back quickly in the event of an attack.

Protect Your Business Today!

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Cyberthreats are evolving, and your business needs a proactive partner to stay protected. Contact MapleTronics today to learn how we can safeguard your organization against cyberattacks and ensure your data remains secure.


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